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How Can You Prevent Viruses?

For many people, their PC isn’t just a piece of equipment but something of a personal assistant that helps them work more productively and effectively, stay in touch with colleagues, friends and loved ones, and increase their knowledge by exploring the wonders of the Internet. However, the Web is also home to viruses that can infect your computer and steal your personal information, hijack your PC or simply interfere with its performance. However, following a few simple precautions can dramatically reduce the chance of your PC becoming infected.

To keep your PC safe and working properly, take the following steps:

Install Antivirus Software
An antivirus program scans your PC for viruses, malware, spyware and other threats, and also removes anything suspected of being harmful. This software protects against viruses wherever they attack, whether they go after your operating system directly or by way of your email program. In addition, antivirus software developers update their programs regularly to defend against the dozens of new viruses introduced every day. Set your antivirus program so that it updates automatically, giving you peace of mind knowing you’re always protected. This is a basic step that all owner PC owners should follow.

Be Cautious With Your Email
Many viruses come by way of email messages, some of which are made to look like they’re coming from a trusted organization such as a social networking site or a financial institution. When you click on a link included in the email, you unknowingly download a virus or other invader. Instead of clicking on the link, go directly to the site and log in. If you have any concerns, contact the company and ask if the email is from them. Email attachments can also contain viruses, which is why many businesses have a policy against opening attachments unless they’re sure of the source. To be safe, don’t open any attachment unless you’re expecting to receive it.

Install a Firewall
A firewall is a powerful defense system that blocks intruders such as viruses, malware, spyware and hackers from entering or breaking into your computer. If the firewall senses an attack, it will alert you so you can take the appropriate safety measures such as disconnecting from the Internet.

You can do much of this on your own, but for the ultimate protection consult Salt Lake network security experts TeK Computing Solutions at (801) 923-4795. We can scan your PC for viruses and other problems, and install the security measures you need to safeguard your device against virtual attack.