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A World of Computers

When it comes to computers, there are many things that you may not have known. Computers are complex systems that we rely a lot on, but do not know a lot about them. Many people use computers for simple functions. They do not even breach the surface in what the computer can actually do.


One thing about computers is the amount of space that the computer can hold. There is a specific amount of space that your computer can hold, and that type of information is said in bits, bytes, and size. Bits and bytes are things that describe the amount of size.


The things that you see on the internet is actually playing on your computer. When you stream something from the web, your computer makes a copy of it on the cache.


As you are working on a computer you probably do not even think about how far information needs to travel in order to get to you or to where you are sending it. There is a main place that can be thousands of miles where data servers are stored, like Ashburn, Virginia. When you click on a link that takes you to a website, like Wikipedia, information goes to Virginia, and then back to your computer in about a tenth of a second. This is faster than it takes for your brain to send a signal to your fingers.


Your computer can be considered like a large complicated calculator. Your computer works in binary code which consists of 0 or 1’s. With computers there are no grey areas. Counting for computers start at 0 instead of one.


Keyboard shortcuts are something that can make your life easier. Common keyboard shortcuts are “Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V”. These shortcuts are your copy and paste shortcuts. When you use these types of shortcuts, your hard drive is having to wipe and rewrite the data. It is a complicated process that your computer does when you give it a command.


The things that you see on the computer, and the internet, is made of a bunch of code. Code is very complicated to think about, and if you were to try to read it, you may find yourself getting lost. Computer code is important for the way that different websites and programs function. If something as little as a comma is out of place, then the website or program is not going to function as it is supposed to.


When you are dealing with computers, things can get complicated.  When you have complications with your computer, call TeK Computing Solutions—your Salt Lake IT support company—today.